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Supporting capacity with augmentative communication aids

Supporting capacity with augmentative communication aids

There are many different forms of communication, both verbal and non-verbal in nature. While many of us will take communication for granted, others need a little more support. Thankfully there are a range of relatively low-tech aids available to support those with complex communication needs. These include Makaton, PECS and Talking Mats – all of which are put to good use across education and healthcare settings to promote inclusion and person-centred care.

Communication is key: elderly couple sitting in the garden enjoying the sunshine

Communication to support capacity

Communication is an absolutely vital part of the Mental Capacity Act (2005). If we are to support capacity effectively then we should do everything in our power to ensure good, effective communication that is adapted to the needs of the service user. This may mean taking extra measures to aid the process of communication, to consider environmental and/or external factors, and also to make allowances for any fluctuations in an individual’s ability to understand.