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DoLS Authorisation

UK Parliament

New official statistics for DoLS cases, 2022-23

NHS Digital has published national statistics for DoLS cases for the period April 2022 to March 2023. The report reveals that:

  • There were an estimated 300,765 requests for authorisations during 2022-23, up 11% on the previous year
  • There were 289,150 authorisations completed in 2022-23, while 126,100 remain uncompleted as of the end of the year
  • Of all DoLS applications, 56% of applications were not granted, mostly due to either change of circumstances, misapplication (requiring a community DoLS or Inherent Jurisdiction) or not meeting the assessment criteria
  • The statutory 21-day timeframe for authorisations was only met in 19% of cases
Under 16: Young boy sat in classroom

Parental consent and DoLS for under-16s

There are often many complex interactions between legislation and case law – especially in the field of mental capacity and the Mental Capacity Act (2005) specifically. For this reason it is vital for professionals working in this area to ensure they are familiar with updates in case law to ensure those within the system are protected and best practice is upheld.