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Case study: Mental Capacity Assessment for placement decisions

Mental Capacity case studies help us apply knowledge in action. They can help us visualise scenarios and understand processes, as well as challenges, before considering the who, what, when, where and how.

In today’s blog, we start a series of case studies that explore particular aspects of the Mental Capacity Act within everyday practice. To help us with this, we will draw on familiar characters from the worlds of TV, film and literature that give an array of contexts and presentations.

Retaining information: man looking out of window

DoLS placements, best interest and the ‘least restrictive option’

There have been a number of high-profile Court of Protection (CoP) cases this year on the subject of DoLS placement and provisions. These cases each raise questions around the least restrictive option for the individual, what classes as ‘best interest’, and what do we mean by proportionate, reasonable and justifiable care.