As of February 2024, we are accredited by Birmingham City University to act as a Best Interest Assessor. As such, we can provide the following stages of assessment within the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) process:
- Mental Capacity Assessment – for the decision of care and treatment at X, where X is the ward, nursing or care home.
- Best Interest Assessment – applying the Acid Test and Best Interest Checklist alongside the Guzzardi Principle.
- With the option to include age and no refusals.
We can also provide recommendations to the Supervisory Body regarding the appointment of a Relevant Person’s Representative (RPR), the duration of authorisation, and if any conditions are considered appropriate for consideration.
- Must be agreed and directed by the Supervisory Body, for which we are happy to consider progressing via suitable agencies if appropriate.
- Lancashire and Cumbria areas primarily, other areas on considered on a case by case basis.
Reports are completed to a high standard and turned over within the set time frame of DoLs requirements.